Botanischer Garten TU Darmstadt
- Antioxidant effect
- Anticancer effect;
- Increases the bioelectrical activity of the brain
- Prevents cardiac arrhythmias;
- Stimulates thyroid function;
- Supports the creation of muscle
- Enhances the functions of sex glands
- Increases serotonin level
- Relieves emotional stress
- Recovers from physical exertion
- Increases physical work capacity
Rodiola is a plant that comes from Siberia and China, and also referred to as golden root and mountain rose. Best known for being the person adapts to the physical and mental stress and gives her more energy and zest for life.
A recent study conducted in Sweden confirmed that rodiola improves intellectual performance, reduces stress and cortisol levels in the blood.
In another study published in the Journal alterantivne and complementary medicine, rodiola confirmed a positive effect on people with anxiety disorders.
A third study has demonstrated the effect rodiole as a natural antidepressant.
And more than 300 studies have shown that this plant has a beneficial effect on stress, anxiety, depression, and taking root extract rodiole no negative effects, as opposed to actions against those disturbances.
When you extract these plants, immediately feel the effect. People have reported increased energy, better mood, less burden of stress, better sleep and improved sexual performance.